BJ Reed’s Portrait Shoot at Fulton Farm

During the COVID-19 pandemic in the summer of 2020, I had the opportunity to shoot portraitures of the farmers and the interns who work at Fulton Center for Sustainability Studies (FCSS) at Wilson College in Chambersburg PA. Locally we call the farm, Fulton Farm. The farm is 50-acres including a seven-acre, USDA Certified Organic portion. Fulton Farm is a community treasure, Tom and I personally participate in their beautiful weekly market shares CSA (Community Shared Agriculture) which we conveniently order online then pick up later in the week at the farm.

Fulton Farms Wilson College Chambersburg PA
Fulton Farm at Wilson College in Chambersburg PA

I was hunkered down at home practicing my portrait photography for months during the pandemic, then PA opened up a bit and I was chomping at the bit to set up some shoots. So I contacted Chris Mayer, FCSS Director to ask if I could come onto the Fulton Farm’s property to capture portraits, with distancing. Chris gave me, BJ’s PHOTOGRAPHY, the opportunity to take 8 portraits during the shoot, they would be used in their next newsletter and for other social media materials.

I happily gathered my camera and equipment then headed over to scout out the location with my assistant/friend Barb Pogue. I studied the landscape, looked for good spaces to shoot, took some test shots with Barb – she’s such a good sport.

Barb at Fulton Farm June, 2020
Barb at Fulton Farm June, 2020

The next beautiful bright sunny day, I set up the shoot. We literally pulled the farmers and the interns from the field. It was such a joy to be outside and my subjects were such a delight! They were engaging and respectful. It was such fun!!

Tooke Farmhouse, Civil War Era building
Tooke Farmhouse, Civil War Era building
Fulton Farms Wilson College Chambersburg PA
One of the greenhouses at Fulton Farm at Wilson College in Chambersburg PA

Here are the hard working members of the team who manage and bring in the bountiful organic harvest from Mother Nature at Fulton Farm:

Chris Mayer is the FCSS Director
Dan Emig is the College Farmer
Jessica Larkin is a farmer and Wilson graduate who has worked at Fulton Farm for a number of years
Dani Stafford is a student in Environmental Sustainability and Health Science at Wilson College
Austin Cubbage is studying Computer Science at Penn State and wanted to try the important work that’s happening at Fulton Farm
Emily is working as an apprentice, she has also been accepted into Wilson College and hopes to start soon
Ethan Kron is a recent graduate of Wilson College with a BA in History and Political Science and he is a second summer intern at Fulton Farm
Grace Ruback is a May Wilson graduate with a Bachelor of Science in animals studies, environmental science and a minor in conservation studies, she is currently working as an intern
Fulton Farms Wilson College Chambersburg PA
Fulton Farm at Wilson College in Chambersburg PA
Fulton Farms Wilson College Chambersburg PA
Look at the beautiful view from Fulton Farm at Wilson College in Chambersburg PA

For more information on Fulton Farm

Thanks for the shoot and allowing me, BJ’s PHOTOGRAPHY, to enjoy the beautiful setting, take a deep breath and connect with Mother Nature! The clouds are amazing these days!